Register as a host

We distinguish between...

Bed & Breakfast

Providers hold 'B&B' certification and are there in person for their guests. Breakfast is always available, but the guest may opt out if they wish. The provider offers rooms and/or apartments, which are classified during the registration process.

Holiday Apartments

Hosts hold 'Apartment' certification and are there in person for their guests. Breakfast is available in some cases. The provider offers vacation apartments, which are classified before or during the registration process.

Bed & Breakfast

Guest Rooms

Hosts hold 'Guest Room' certification and are there in person for their guests. Breakfast is available in some cases. The provider offers guest rooms, which are classified before or during the registration process.

Do you offer several accommodation options?

If they are all of the same type (e.g. all including breakfast = B&B), the rooms/apartments can be included in the same profile. If they differ (e.g. a certified apartment and a certified room), you must create a profile for each certificate.

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