Bee & Bee for B&B
Sustainable tourism is an important topic here in Switzerland, and is promoted actively by many providers and bodies in the industry. As the umbrella organization for private accommodation providers in Switzerland, it is something that we also strongly believe in.

The sustainability label for private accommodation
Various sustainability credentials, certifications and labels such as ibex fairstay and Swissstainable offer the guest a point of reference when assessing an accommodation provider's approach to sustainability. That said, earning these certificates often involves a great deal of time and effort, because the programs are generally aimed at larger companies.
BnB Switzerland has therefore created the minimalist ‘Bee & Bee’ label for private accommodation. It gives the guest a quick and easy way of finding out how a provider addresses sustainability issues.
The check covers a range of criteria in all areas, resulting in classification into one of three sustainability levels.
- Level 1 - somewhat sustainable
- Level 2 - moderately sustainable
- Level 3 - very sustainable

Participation in the sustainability program is voluntary for host families. The criteria include only a small part of the comprehensive topic of sustainability. We are conscious that there are many other aspects to consider that contribute to sustainability. That is why we continue to make every effort to expand the criteria and update them regularly.
Why ‘Bee & Bee’?
More and more companies are making commitments to the environment, but BnB Switzerland has opted for a unique approach. Bees play an essential role in the natural world. They transport vital pollen from flower to flower. This is key to the growth of fruit and seeds. In this way they are an indispensable part not just of our biodiversity, but also of our food security.
Despite their importance, these black and yellow insects are under threat, mainly as a result of the increasing lack of plants producing nectar and pollen. That's where ‘Bee & Bee’ comes in. But it’s more than a play on words. Instead of planting trees, with the ‘Bee & Bee’ sustainability label BnB Switzerland is supporting the BienenSchweiz foundation, which uses donations specifically to create areas of flowering plants.

About BienenSchweiz
The BienenSchweiz foundation advocates for the protection and promotion of bees in Switzerland. An important part of its work is to create and maintain areas of flowering plants so that bees have sufficient sustenance and habitats. By planting flowered areas, the foundation helps to preserve and encourage the variety and populations of wild and honey bees.
So why not get involved?
For each new membership BnB Switzerland will donate three square meters of flowered area. Register your accommodation on and present it and its magical atmosphere to a whole variety of guests.
So far, BnB Switzerland has donated